Member-only story
On Which Side Of History Are You Going To Be?

It’s time to decide if you’re going to be part of the ones who will build the future or if you’re going to let somebody else build it for you, if you’re going to have your own opinion or if you’ll conform with following one which you consider similar enough. We all have great ideas, but only the bravest make them more than that, and those are the ones who will determine how the future will be, are you going to be one of whom stayed stuck on the way things are or one of whom acted upon how he knew things to be best?
It is easier said than done, but, if you honestly think an idea is good enough, share it, follow through it, act upon it, join the debate, we need it! For all humans should decide how the future of their species is going to be, Not just Bezos, Musk and Zuckerberg, but also you, him and me.
The question is, are we going to?
“Everything Begins With An Idea.” — Earl Nightengale